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  • Knitters get knitting to yarn bomb Long Ditton village

    Knitters get knitting to yarn bomb Long Ditton village0

    Are you good with knitting needles? Then you could help yarn bomb Long Ditton. The Friends of Long Ditton Infant and Nursery and St Mary’s Junior Schools are appealing for wool, knitted or crocheted squares, scarves, flowers, animals, pom poms and finger knitting to help adorn the village. During the Easter holidays in 2019 there

  • Twelve radio plays premiere in online lunchtime slot

    Twelve radio plays premiere in online lunchtime slot0

    12 at 12 is coming to the cornerHOUSE starting tomorrow (Monday). Twelve radio plays, covering comedy, drama, fantasy, mystery and thrillers and specially devised for the Surbiton arts centre’s recent Radio Shorts initiative, will be posted online – one each day – at midday from Monday to Thursday for the next three weeks. Each of

  • Jobs up for grabs in the arts

    Jobs up for grabs in the arts0

    Interested in a job in the arts? Kingston-based Creative Youth has two new paid roles up for grabs on six-month, fixed-term placements. One is for a marketing assistant, the other an operations assistant. You will learn how to run an arts organisation for young people and deliver an international youth arts festival. You need to

  • Treat your mum to a special cookbook for Mothering Sunday

    Treat your mum to a special cookbook for Mothering Sunday0

    Stuck deciding what to buy mum for Mother’s Day this coming Sunday? Why not give her a cookbook of fabulous recipes courtesy of the parents and children at two local schools? It’s also a chunk of lockdown history too. The Friends of Long Ditton St Mary’s Infants and Junior Schools have created a Lockdown LOVE

  • Interested in the fashion business? Read on…

    Interested in the fashion business? Read on…0

    Virginia Grose is one of those people who always looks effortlessly glamorous. Meeting her in Claremont Gardens on a bitterly cold day to talk about her new book was no exception – Virginia oozes style. It’s probably something to do with her 40 years working in the fashion business. The course director of Fashion Business

  • It’s showtime at the cornerHOUSE online!

    It’s showtime at the cornerHOUSE online!0

    A stunning bedroom version of the Stones’ anthem Honky Tonk Woman is one of the acts in an online variety night organised by Surbiton’s cornerHOUSE arts centre this Friday. The hour-long show, which includes recordings of poetry, comedy and stage drama, is available from 7.30pm… and it’s free. All you have to do is reserve

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