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Wet or dry, we’re obsessed

Wet or dry, we’re obsessed

So Starbucks has left. Is Surbiton’s love affair with coffee dwindling? Have we finally realised that 7,691 coffee outlets in one town is too much? No, of course we haven’t. We can’t get enough of the stuff. Look at the poor old station pasty company which thought they could flog us pasties to and from

So Starbucks has left. Is Surbiton’s love affair with coffee dwindling? Have we finally realised that 7,691 coffee outlets in one town is too much?
No, of course we haven’t. We can’t get enough of the stuff.
Look at the poor old station pasty company which thought they could flog us pasties to and from work, and had barely finished typing up the minutes from their first staff meeting when they realised we just weren’t interested. We waved them off, and smiled quietly as a coffee shop moved in.
Who wants a pasty on the 07.27 to Waterloo? Not when we can have three coffees before we’ve even arrived at the station, then play the unfailingly thrilling Russian roulette with Nero’s staff on platform 1, the ninjas of the barista world. Will they make my coffee in time for my train? The answer is almost always an impressive Yes, resulting in an Indiana Jones-style leap through the closing train doors, cup in hand.
We love coffee so much, we now have Surbeanton (I know, I know. Let’s not dwell on the name), sandwiched between Ex Cellar and Soprattutto, across the road from Wags n Tales, up the road from Costa, round the corner from Three Peas.
We’re insatiable. One can only imagine that productivity levels in Surbiton are sky high, considering we’re all off our nuts on caffeine all day.
Of course some Surbitonians do not share our obsession. These are peculiar creatures who order things like a large camomile tea. It’s surely the most miserable way to start the day. Is it me, or does everyone think it smells like hot wee?
But these people exist, as do people who order a ‘wet cappuccino’. Yes, there are wet and dry cappuccinos. Those of us who naively assumed all cappuccinos are wet clearly need to take a long hard look at ourselves. It’s something to do with how much foam there is on the surface of the milk. I’m sure it’s a scientific calculation but I, for one, want no part of it.
Is it telling that the one shop not getting enough business in our coffee-obsessed town should be Starbucks? It’s arguably the godfather of takeaway coffee – the one that began it all. Have we shunned it because we didn’t like the coffee, or because we prefer independents which, apart from Costa and Nero, is what they all are?
Or is it because we have a thing about avoided tax? Whatever the reason, I don’t think anyone is screaming WHERE AM I GOING TO GET MY COFFEE?
Harriet Bonnichon
Becky Mayhew

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