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    Jane Grove

    Jane, assistant editor of The Good Life, has been a journalist for more than 35 years covering local and national news. Having lived and worked all her life in the Surbiton/Kingston/Long Ditton area, she set up The Good Life with like-minded souls who care about local newspapers and feel they are a vital part of the community.

    Jane is a woman on a mission - to raise the profile of local arts and champion environmental issues. Jane also covers Chelsea Women football games, and posts regular updates on events and the amusing side of living in Surbiton on The Good Life's Instagram site @thegoodlifesurbiton

Author's Posts

  • Deadline looms for signing 20mph Long Ditton petition

    Deadline looms for signing 20mph Long Ditton petition0

    The deadline for signing a petition to introduce 20mph speed limit in Long Ditton is looming. You have until Monday (15th) to petition Surrey County Council about introducing 20mph max outside Long Ditton primary and junior schools and by Long Ditton Rec. Parents are particularly concerned about the speed of traffic in Ditton Hill Road,

  • Nathaniel swaps newspapers for playing rap songs at COP26

    Nathaniel swaps newspapers for playing rap songs at COP260

    Good Life deliverer and musician Nathaniel Cartier is playing at COP26 – the UN’s Climate Change Conference – tomorrow (Friday 12th). The multi-talented instrumentalist and singer-songwriter has been invited to attend a reception in COP’s host city Glasgow, which will showcase cultural voices and their creative response to climate change. He will be backing Aberdeen

  • Female directors and their influence on theatre

    Female directors and their influence on theatre0

    Clea Williams, pictured, explores the influence of female directors in theatre at the cornerHOUSE on Wednesday, November 17. The creative facilitator, theatre director and educator, draws on her own experiences in producing plays for the stage as well as examining the roles of others who have influenced her and who have made significant contributions to

  • Step into baroque dance classes at St Raphael’s church hall

    Step into baroque dance classes at St Raphael’s church hall0

    Learn dances of the baroque period in the company of two long-standing members of the Covent Garden Minuet Company. Kate and Peter Horrocks will teach you the mid-18th century dances performed at Georgian Balls and assemblies – like the formal minuets, sarabandes and gavottes and the informal contra dances – at workshops on Tuesday nights

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