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    Jane Grove

    Jane, assistant editor of The Good Life, has been a journalist for more than 35 years covering local and national news. Having lived and worked all her life in the Surbiton/Kingston/Long Ditton area, she set up The Good Life with like-minded souls who care about local newspapers and feel they are a vital part of the community.

    Jane is a woman on a mission - to raise the profile of local arts and champion environmental issues. Jane also covers Chelsea Women football games, and posts regular updates on events and the amusing side of living in Surbiton on The Good Life's Instagram site @thegoodlifesurbiton

Author's Posts

  • Organic bargains in fruit and veg

    Organic bargains in fruit and veg0

    Get down to Sage’s Health Store today (Wednesday) for bargains on organic fruit and veg. Every Tuesday and Wednesday, Sage Parmar will discount her organic, seasonal, package-free, fruit and veg from her local supplier ahead of tomorrow (Thursday’s) new arrivals. Sage, who expanded her health store in Brighton Road to add a refill and recycle

  • Garden statue goes walkies

    Garden statue goes walkies0

    Beware there is a thief about. One who is partial to Surbiton’s garden statues. Ginny Colwell had this attractive 2ft classical figure (pictured with mask and Santa hat for Christmas) nicked from her front garden in Southborough Road on Friday 13th. “It is sad, as we inherited her from the previous owners,” said Ginny who

  • Join Friends group and survey to improve Claremont Gardens

    Join Friends group and survey to improve Claremont Gardens0

    Neighbours of Claremont Gardens have launched a Friends group to improve the green space which they say has gone downhill. The duck pond, plant cover and state of the rockery are of particular concern according to Green councillor Sharron Sumner who lives next to the Surbiton park which is sandwiched between The Crescent and Claremont

  • Join live music and charity auction fundraiser at cricket club

    Join live music and charity auction fundraiser at cricket club0

    A clubhouse boogie and charity auction to raise money for Neuroendocrine Cancer UK will take place on Saturday (Aug 14) at Long Ditton Cricket Club. Everyone is invited to the event at The Hogs’ Stokes Field ground off Betts Way. Doors open at 6pm. Adults, £10, children, £5. The Frets kick off the live music

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