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    Jane Grove

    Jane, assistant editor of The Good Life, has been a journalist for more than 35 years covering local and national news. Having lived and worked all her life in the Surbiton/Kingston/Long Ditton area, she set up The Good Life with like-minded souls who care about local newspapers and feel they are a vital part of the community.

    Jane is a woman on a mission - to raise the profile of local arts and champion environmental issues. Jane also covers Chelsea Women football games, and posts regular updates on events and the amusing side of living in Surbiton on The Good Life's Instagram site @thegoodlifesurbiton

Author's Posts

  • Dog owners asked for views on designs to keep wildlife safe

    Dog owners asked for views on designs to keep wildlife safe0

    Dog owners are being asked to give their views on dog-friendly splash pools and sheltered areas (like the one pictured) where they can socialise and relax with other dog owners and reduce the impact of their pets on local wildlife. The idea is to protect the flora and fauna in the Hogsmill River from being

  • Donkey is special guest at St Mark’s Palm Sunday service

    Donkey is special guest at St Mark’s Palm Sunday service0

    Look who is going to be greeting children as they arrive at the Palm Sunday service at St Mark’s Church tomorrow! “Usually, we can have donkey rides after the service, but this year, for Covid regulations, we can’t offer that: nor can we do a procession,” said Rev Robert Stanier. “However, we will be incorporating

  • Emotional reunions at Royal Star & Garter care home for veterans

    Emotional reunions at Royal Star & Garter care home for veterans0

    Residents at the Royal Star & Garter in Surbiton have held hands with loved ones for the first time in a year, with the beginning of indoor visiting, yesterday (Thursday). It marked their first physical contact with relatives since the Covid-19 lockdown began in March last year. New government guidelines permit a single, designated visitor

  • Submit your photos of water to online cornerHOUSE show

    Submit your photos of water to online cornerHOUSE show0

    From dripping taps to puddles, rivers and oceans, water can mean many different things to us. Until April 2, the cornerHOUSE arts centre in Surbiton is accepting photographs of the liquid stuff in all its different shapes and forms for an online exhibition. All details and how to submit your entry are on the Douglas

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