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    Jane Grove

    Jane, assistant editor of The Good Life, has been a journalist for more than 35 years covering local and national news. Having lived and worked all her life in the Surbiton/Kingston/Long Ditton area, she set up The Good Life with like-minded souls who care about local newspapers and feel they are a vital part of the community.

    Jane is a woman on a mission - to raise the profile of local arts and champion environmental issues. Jane also covers Chelsea Women football games, and posts regular updates on events and the amusing side of living in Surbiton on The Good Life's Instagram site @thegoodlifesurbiton

Author's Posts

  • Knitters get knitting to yarn bomb Long Ditton village

    Knitters get knitting to yarn bomb Long Ditton village0

    Are you good with knitting needles? Then you could help yarn bomb Long Ditton. The Friends of Long Ditton Infant and Nursery and St Mary’s Junior Schools are appealing for wool, knitted or crocheted squares, scarves, flowers, animals, pom poms and finger knitting to help adorn the village. During the Easter holidays in 2019 there

  • Twelve radio plays premiere in online lunchtime slot

    Twelve radio plays premiere in online lunchtime slot0

    12 at 12 is coming to the cornerHOUSE starting tomorrow (Monday). Twelve radio plays, covering comedy, drama, fantasy, mystery and thrillers and specially devised for the Surbiton arts centre’s recent Radio Shorts initiative, will be posted online – one each day – at midday from Monday to Thursday for the next three weeks. Each of

  • Jobs up for grabs in the arts

    Jobs up for grabs in the arts0

    Interested in a job in the arts? Kingston-based Creative Youth has two new paid roles up for grabs on six-month, fixed-term placements. One is for a marketing assistant, the other an operations assistant. You will learn how to run an arts organisation for young people and deliver an international youth arts festival. You need to

  • Join online meeting on plan to build more towers in Tolworth

    Join online meeting on plan to build more towers in Tolworth0

    Is this how Tolworth will look in 2025? The consultation to discuss multiple towers in The Broadway takes place tonight (Thursday) during an online Surbiton neighbourhood committee meeting. You can see and hear what the developers Meadow Partners propose for the existing 22 storey tower and its proposed new 19 and 15 storey siblings (a

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