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    Tim Harrison

    Tim has been a journalist for more than 40 years covering local and national news. Having lived and worked all his life in the Surbiton/Kingston/Long Ditton area, he set up The Good Life with like-minded souls who care about local newspapers and feel they are a vital part of the community. He hopes to entertain and inform, with a smile whenever possible. Tim focuses on news, sport, history and food. He especially likes food!

Author's Posts

  • Richmond’s panto is a winner

    Richmond’s panto is a winner0

    The evergreen Maureen Lipman – now nudging 80 – and comedy magician Pete Firman ensure Richmond Theatre’s panto, which runs until Jan 5, is a thoroughly entertaining romp. With wall-to-wall gags and a simply magnificent dame in Ben Stock (centre, above), the two-hour show scores on all levels. It’s a winner with children, who instantly

  • Fresh and vigorous, Robin Hood comes to town

    Fresh and vigorous, Robin Hood comes to town0

    The Christmas show at Kingston’s Rose is another lively musical powered by the youthful vigour of the theatre’s junior thesps. Robin Hood and the Christmas Heist, which runs until Jan 5, is an original story by Chris Bush, unencumbered by the usual panto versions of the folklore tale set in Sherwood Forest. The main protagonists walk

  • You’re being watched!

    You’re being watched!0

    • Arts
    • 13th November 2024

    Big Brother is watching us! Theatregoers at the opening night of a week-long adaptation of George Orwell’s 1984 at Richmond Theatre found themselves in the unrelenting gaze of surveillance cameras for 15 minutes before curtain-up. As we flicked through the programme, chatted to neighbours, scratched our ears or stared vacantly into space, every movement was

  • Crunch match looms for Blues

    Crunch match looms for Blues0

    Fans of Chelsea’s remarkable women’s team have a chance to assess whether the Blues have what it takes to succeed against their closest rivals in a top-of-the-table six-pointer at Stamford Bridge this weekend. Manchester City visit on Saturday evening, pitting the league champions against the current league leaders in a match which finally threatens to

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