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  • Enjoy a barbie on the river

    Enjoy a barbie on the river0

    The smell of burgers, sausages and juicy skewers will be wafting over the Thames today (Friday) and over the weekend. Ravens Ait is holding a barbecue weekend and everyone is invited! The Beer, Bar and BBQ event will run this Friday, Saturday and Sunday (April 16-18) and next weekend (April 23-25) and then on May

  • Scissors out as Salon No. 13 chops those lockdown locks

    Scissors out as Salon No. 13 chops those lockdown locks0

    Andrew Thompson is beaming from ear to ear. The hair stylist who runs Salon No. 13 is back to what he does best – trimming, cutting and shaping the locks of locals. What did he feel about being open again after months of lockdown? “Overjoyed and overwhelmed by the support that we have received from

  • Record-breaking sales as British Heart Foundation opens its doors

    Record-breaking sales as British Heart Foundation opens its doors0

    Charity shops in Surbiton were doing good business on Monday as shoppers hit the stores. The British Heart Foundation in Victoria Road proved particularly popular with an orderly socially distanced queue forming outside for most of the day. Despite some of the charity’s shops in Scotland and all in Northern Ireland remaining closed, BHF, which funds

  • Punters enjoy pints in the Black Lion’s garden as pub reopens

    Punters enjoy pints in the Black Lion’s garden as pub reopens0

    Mark Sheehy was as pleased as punch. The landlord of the Black Lion was back pulling pints again yesterday (Monday) and the garden of the pub in Brighton Road, Surbiton, was full of people enjoying them. “It has been such a relief – fantastic to open,” said the overjoyed publican. “I was a bit worried

  • The day that the old buses escaped from the museum

    The day that the old buses escaped from the museum0

    It was the day the bus museum exhibits broke free! With Covid preventing the people attending the annual open day at the London Bus Museum in Brooklands, the old buses decided to take matters into their own hands and return to the people. Routemasters and other grand dames from the golden era of the 40s,

  • Market organisers can’t wait to see lovers of food and drink

    Market organisers can’t wait to see lovers of food and drink0

    Tolworth market is back tomorrow (Sunday)! The First in Tolworth market, from 11am to 3pm in the sliproad off Tolworth Broadway opposite Our Lady Immaculate Church, will be a food-and-drink-only affair this time, but the organisers hope to welcome back its arts and crafters in May (Covid guidelines permitting). There is plenty of room for

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