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  • All aboard for a coronavirus test!

    All aboard for a coronavirus test!0

    A coronavirus test is coming to a street near you! Kingston council has new two new Covid-19 testing buses which will be touring the borough. Tomorrow (Friday) one will be stopping outside Tolworth Infant and Nursery School in School Lane off Red Lion Road, while the other will be outside the Hook Centre off Elm

  • Gardening club grows new shoots

    Gardening club grows new shoots1

    Keen to swap plants and seeds, share gardening tips, and go on outings to stunning gardens? Then why not join a Surbiton-based gardening group? Membership of the English Gardening Club is free and there’s an active WhatsApp group where suggestions for visits to National Garden Scheme, Open Gardens or RHS venues and garden centres are

  • Brief, but glorious

    Brief, but glorious0

    What a brief, glorious flourish! Surbiton’s magnolia trees bloomed in the last days of March, hit their peak on March 30… yet within days prompted shouts of: ‘Mind where you put your feet, Tarquin, those slimy petals make the pavements slippery.’ This stunning specimen is on the Long Ditton/Surbiton boundary, where Balaclava Road, St Mary’s

  • This Easter-themed house will put a smile on your face

    This Easter-themed house will put a smile on your face0

    Where is that white rabbit disappearing off to? Looks like he is in a terrible hurry. He seems to have got stuck in a door-shaped rabbit hole which has appeared in Kings Road, Long Ditton, over the Easter holidays. Just below him, and standing sentinel either side of the bunny-themed door mat, are two March

  • Long Ditton is yarn bombed for schools’ Easter fundraiser

    Long Ditton is yarn bombed for schools’ Easter fundraiser0

    Happy Easter! The lychgate at St Mary’s Church, Long Ditton, and other sites around the area have been yarn bombed to raise money for two local schools. The Friends of Long Ditton Infant and Nursery and St Mary’s Junior Schools have organised the yarn bombing by various community groups including parishoners and the local guides

  • Try a vegan burger and other treats at Tolworth station pop-up

    Try a vegan burger and other treats at Tolworth station pop-up0

    Emma Egerton will be holding her next vegan pop-up takeaway/drive-thru at Tolworth railway station on Saturday (April 3). On the menu at the Baking Ideas community kitchen next to the station is homemade burgers (chickpea masala, mushroom and black rice, black bean), fries and slaw, a hot dish of the day (roasted veg stew with

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