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  • Sit back, relax… and be terrified

    Sit back, relax… and be terrified0

    It’s back! A new production of Ghost Stories, the chilling portmanteau play of spooky case histories related by a ‘paranormal professor’ (Dan Tetsell) is at Richmond Theatre until Saturday (Jan 25) at the start of a UK tour. Having seen the London premiere of Ghost Stories in 2010 at the Lyric, Hammersmith – which commissioned

  • Richmond’s panto is a winner

    Richmond’s panto is a winner0

    The evergreen Maureen Lipman – now nudging 80 – and comedy magician Pete Firman ensure Richmond Theatre’s panto, which runs until Jan 5, is a thoroughly entertaining romp. With wall-to-wall gags and a simply magnificent dame in Ben Stock (centre, above), the two-hour show scores on all levels. It’s a winner with children, who instantly

  • You’re being watched!

    You’re being watched!0

    • Arts
    • 13th November 2024

    Big Brother is watching us! Theatregoers at the opening night of a week-long adaptation of George Orwell’s 1984 at Richmond Theatre found themselves in the unrelenting gaze of surveillance cameras for 15 minutes before curtain-up. As we flicked through the programme, chatted to neighbours, scratched our ears or stared vacantly into space, every movement was

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