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  • Register for scarecrow festival

    Register for scarecrow festival0

    Tomorrow (Thursday) is the last day to register to enter a scarecrow as part of this weekend’s festival on Tolworth’s Sunray Estate. SECra’s (Sunray & Egmont Community Residents’ Association) Scarecrow Festival will take place on Saturday (25th) and Sunday (26th). Email your details to [email protected] or fill in the form at www.secra.org.uk Then let your

  • Sunray litter squad hit jackpot

    Sunray litter squad hit jackpot0

    Congratulations to the litter-pickers of Surbiton’s Sunray estate for landing a £3,000+ grant from the council’s neighbourhood committee to embark on a major project to clear their cluttered and fly-tipped alleys and service roads. The Sunray and Egmont Community Residents’ Association has been awarded £3,090 to tackle the issue of antisocial dumping in the maze

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