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  • Souffle is supreme on the Plough’s new winter menu

    Souffle is supreme on the Plough’s new winter menu0

    It may be winter outside, but Long Ditton’s Plough & Harrow has unveiled a seasonal menu to banish the chill, with a centrepiece souffle main course (above) that is simply outstanding. The Ditton Hill Road pub/restaurant’s January listings, launched last week, give the chefs licence to push the boundaries with new dishes, serve fresh takes

  • Unsettling Heights

    Unsettling Heights0

    The audience settles, and is immediately unsettled. The stark, dark Gothic saga of Wuthering Heights unfolds on the stage of the Rose in Kingston in a disturbing adaptation by the Inspector Sands troupe. Ben Lewis twists Emily Bronte’s 1847 novel into a two-and-three-quarter-hour show directed by Lucinka Eisler, with this all-too brief local run ending

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