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Storm plays havoc with time

Storm plays havoc with time

So fierce were the gusts from Storm Dennis, that the little hand on the iconic Surbiton station clocktower’s clock was knocked off… although it was well caught by slips five and six in the outfield. At least Surbitonians can still calculate by how many minutes they’ve missed their train. Many thanks to contributor and distributor

So fierce were the gusts from Storm Dennis, that the little hand on the iconic Surbiton station clocktower’s clock was knocked off… although it was well caught by slips five and six in the outfield.

At least Surbitonians can still calculate by how many minutes they’ve missed their train.

Many thanks to contributor and distributor Phil Cooper for sending us this.

Your next published Good Life is currently at the printer, and will be fully distributed by the beginning of March.

You can set your clock by it.

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