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  • Look, no hands!

    Look, no hands!0

    Look, no hands! Surbiton’s famous art deco station clock has lost both its pointers. Storm Ciara started it, loosening the elegant elongated diamond of an hour hand on the station clocktower, then Dennis swept into town and dislodged it completely… although it was prevented from tumbling to earth by the heroism of hour markers five

  • Storm plays havoc with time

    Storm plays havoc with time0

    • News
    • 19th February 2020

    So fierce were the gusts from Storm Dennis, that the little hand on the iconic Surbiton station clocktower’s clock was knocked off… although it was well caught by slips five and six in the outfield. At least Surbitonians can still calculate by how many minutes they’ve missed their train. Many thanks to contributor and distributor

  • Dennis starts storming

    Dennis starts storming0

    Were the organisers of Surbiton’s farmers’ market right to call off today’s event, in the face of Storm Dennis? Emphatically yes, as this picture – taken on Saturday morning – shows. One of the giant potted olive trees that guards the door of Cento Uno, right beside where Ralph Wettach’s deli stall would have stood,

  • Match moved back a day

    Match moved back a day0

    Chelsea Women’s FA Cup match with Liverpool Women has been moved back a day from Sunday, and will now take place at precisely the same time fans will be watching Chelsea men face Manchester United on the telly. The overlap is sure to annoy Chelsea Women’s manager Emma Hayes, who has repeatedly appealed to the

  • New Chelsea striker?

    New Chelsea striker?0

    Have Chelsea Women signed a new striker? Spotted on the pitch ahead of Wednesday night’s 2-0 hard-fought win over Birmingham was this determined hoofer, showing her forwards how it should be done, writes Jane Grove. She’s got the technique, good balance, firm contact and unerring accuracy, though at 43, Harry’s mum Emma Hayes may be

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