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Friendship fuels coronavirus help group

Friendship fuels coronavirus help group

Four friends who set up the Surbiton Coronavirus Community Response Group have so far galvanised 350 volunteers into action. Emily Kirt, Cole O’Brien and Lourens Swanepoel, pictured, (who all live together in Lovelace Road) and Haidee O’Brien wanted to make a difference and support their community using their experience in the voluntary sector, social work,

Four friends who set up the Surbiton Coronavirus Community Response Group have so far galvanised 350 volunteers into action.

Emily Kirt, Cole O’Brien and Lourens Swanepoel, pictured, (who all live together in Lovelace Road) and Haidee O’Brien wanted to make a difference and support their community using their experience in the voluntary sector, social work, IT and business.

“The feedback has been overwhelmingly positive from local residents who often don’t have a support network in the area and who would struggle to access basic food staples without our volunteers in the community offering to help,” explained Haidee.

To read the full story and to find out how you can get support or register as a volunteer, see the latest Good Life which is on our Current Issue section on the Home page of this website to download or view online.

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