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Surbiton’s supernatural tennis

Surbiton’s supernatural tennis

The Surbiton Trophy tournament had an unexpected ticket sale boost from youngsters at St Matthew’s primary. Teacher Ed Hornby set the nine and 10-year-olds in Year 5 the task of writing a newspaper story… with entertaining results. As many of the pupils’ parents play at Surbiton Racket & Fitness Club, the journalism proved sharp and

The Surbiton Trophy tournament had an unexpected ticket sale boost from youngsters at St Matthew’s primary.

Teacher Ed Hornby set the nine and 10-year-olds in Year 5 the task of writing a newspaper story… with entertaining results. As many of the pupils’ parents play at Surbiton Racket & Fitness Club, the journalism proved sharp and targeted!

Take Jake’s article, which included a helpful illustration.

He asked: “Have you ever wanted to get out of your homes and watch some live tennis before your eyes? If so, why not come and enjoy the 2024 Lexus Surbiton tennis trophy, just a few streets away from you? This could be the perfect thing for you!

“Ponder these brilliant reasons to attend: the supernatural tennis playing, which is more affordable than Wimbledon; the fact that you can get used match balls, and maybe even get them signed; and whether you enjoy tennis or not, the playing will dazzle your senses.”

The full stories of (from left, above) Leo, Jake, Jessie and Alice follow.





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