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  • Surbiton’s supernatural tennis

    Surbiton’s supernatural tennis0

    The Surbiton Trophy tournament had an unexpected ticket sale boost from youngsters at St Matthew’s primary. Teacher Ed Hornby set the nine and 10-year-olds in Year 5 the task of writing a newspaper story… with entertaining results. As many of the pupils’ parents play at Surbiton Racket & Fitness Club, the journalism proved sharp and

  • New Sherlock Holmes play live streams on Zoom this Saturday

    New Sherlock Holmes play live streams on Zoom this Saturday1

    The game’s afoot! Fans of Sherlock Holmes will be avidly watching the tweed-suited, deer stalker hatted sleuth solve a new crime when it live-streams on Zoom this Saturday. Surbiton author Orlando Pearson, who has written new adventures and plays for Sir Arthur Conan Doyle’s deducting wizard, has come up with another story based on true

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