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    Jane Grove

    Jane, assistant editor of The Good Life, has been a journalist for more than 35 years covering local and national news. Having lived and worked all her life in the Surbiton/Kingston/Long Ditton area, she set up The Good Life with like-minded souls who care about local newspapers and feel they are a vital part of the community.

    Jane is a woman on a mission - to raise the profile of local arts and champion environmental issues. Jane also covers Chelsea Women football games, and posts regular updates on events and the amusing side of living in Surbiton on The Good Life's Instagram site @thegoodlifesurbiton

Author's Posts

  • Learn scything techniques at Fishponds Park this Saturday

    Learn scything techniques at Fishponds Park this Saturday0

    Learn various scything techniques to help manage the meadow at Surbiton’s Fishponds Park. Kingston’s biodiversity officer Elliot Newton will be leading an introduction to scything at the park off Hollyfield Road from 10am on Saturday (22nd). This traditional way of cutting grass and managing hay meadows, minimises the impact on wildlife. Volunteers can also help

  • International poetry reading features cornerHOUSE poet

    International poetry reading features cornerHOUSE poet0

    Poet Hilary Walker will read her poem We Are One at an international book launch tomorrow (Thursday). Hilary, who is representing the UK, was one of only six poets to be chosen to read their poems at this prestigious online Montreal Poetry Prize Anthology 2020 event. We Are One is about being connected together as

  • Grass in nature reserve is cut using scythes to manage meadow

    Grass in nature reserve is cut using scythes to manage meadow0

    Scythers set to at Tolworth Court Farm Moated Manor, a nature reserve off Old Kingston Road. Twelve volunteers were given lessons in scything techniques and then worked their way across the 2.4 acre site, skirting around the yellow meadow ant hills which would have been destroyed if heavy machinery was used to mow the grass,

  • Find out more about plan to turn verges into wildflower meadows

    Find out more about plan to turn verges into wildflower meadows0

    Have your say on a plan to turn verges into ‘meadows’ full of wildflowers at a virtual WildWays drop-in session. Kingston’s biodiversity officer Elliot Newton, pictured, will be talking about the trial to manage the borough’s verges in a different way to encourage wildflowers to grow and attract more pollinators like butterflies and bumblebees. He

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