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  • Hundred-strong ‘Busgate’ protest forces rethink on traffic schemes

    Hundred-strong ‘Busgate’ protest forces rethink on traffic schemes1

    A chorus of Save our Streets could be heard outside Glenmore House last night (Tuesday) before a hundred people, some with placards, crammed into the Surbiton Neighbourhood Committee to voice their concerns about a number of traffic schemes proposed for the Ellerton Road area. “We just wanted our voices to be heard,” said Ellerton Road

  • St Mary’s Church history talk to reveal link with Titanic

    St Mary’s Church history talk to reveal link with Titanic0

    Want to know about one of the area’s oldest churches? Then attend a free event at St Mary’s Church, Long Ditton, tomorrow (Thursday, July 21) at 7pm in the community hall behind the church in Church Road. Former church warden Peter Topp will talk about the history of the church in Church Road – listed

  • Four-team football tournament celebrates The Corinthian Spirit

    Four-team football tournament celebrates The Corinthian Spirit0

    Corinthian-Casuals will host a four-team football competition with semi pro and amateur clubs from the USA, Hungary and England at their United Business Group Stadium in Tolworth this weekend. The Egri Erbstein Tournament at the club’s home ground in King George’s Field, will consist of four games: two semi-finals on Sat July 23 (Corinthian-Casuals v

  • Busgate – which traffic scheme will Surbiton councillors choose?

    Busgate – which traffic scheme will Surbiton councillors choose?0

    Forget Partygate – it’s Busgate which has got residents of Ellerton, Cotterill and Douglas Roads – among others –  up in arms. Installing a bus gate in Thornhill Road and blocking off Dennan Road at the junction of Cotterill Road is one of the options the Surbiton Neighbourhood Committee will be considering tomorrow night (Tuesday,

  • Pet service is a casualty-free hit

    Pet service is a casualty-free hit0

    Who’s a pretty boy then? And the dog’s quite cute too. Rector Kuhan Satkunanayagam  from St Mary’s, Long Ditton, declared the pet blessing service a success, with no casualties! ‘Everybody enjoyed it, there were no accidents, and we processed out to I Wanna Be Like You from The Jungle Book!’ Anyone not wanting to risk

  • Send us your platinum jubilee street party photos to feature

    Send us your platinum jubilee street party photos to feature0

    Lots of fun was had at the Browns Road platinum jubilee street party – especially by these caped crusaders! Picture by Aysha Zahoor. If you are having or have had a street party in Surbiton, Berrylands, Tolworth or Long Ditton, email your pictures to [email protected] for the next edition of The Good Life.

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