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  • Organic bargains in fruit and veg

    Organic bargains in fruit and veg0

    Get down to Sage’s Health Store today (Wednesday) for bargains on organic fruit and veg. Every Tuesday and Wednesday, Sage Parmar will discount her organic, seasonal, package-free, fruit and veg from her local supplier ahead of tomorrow (Thursday’s) new arrivals. Sage, who expanded her health store in Brighton Road to add a refill and recycle

  • Short of the essentials? Try Morgans Dairy

    Short of the essentials? Try Morgans Dairy0

    Struggling to find eggs, butter, milk, cream, yoghurt, orange juice, apple juice and cheese in these straitened times? Try Morgans Dairy on the Red Lion Business Park off Red Lion Road, Tolworth. The dairy, run by cousins Lara Morgan-Graham and Hywel Morgan, pictured, has been on the site for six years, but has a family

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