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  • Three tower project for Tolworth Broadway is refused by planners

    Three tower project for Tolworth Broadway is refused by planners0

    Plans to add two more high-rise blocks to Tolworth Broadway and build 499 new homes in a scheme which also involved turning the existing Tolworth Tower into flats have hit the buffers as Kingston council threw out the proposal, pictured, by developers Meadow Partners. Ten reasons were cited by planners as to why the application

  • New homes too big for plot

    New homes too big for plot2

    A proposal to demolish a four-bed family home and build three new properties on the site at 6 Lovelace Gardens, Surbiton, has been rejected by councillors at a Surbiton Neighbourhood Committee meeting. They decided that the five-bed semis to be built at the rear of the plot would be too close to and overlook the

  • Plan to build homes behind flats

    Plan to build homes behind flats0

    • News
    • 25th February 2020

    On the agenda for tonight’s Surbiton Neighbourhood Committee meeting (Tuesday) is demolishing garages behind Hollingsworth Court (pictured) in Lovelace Gardens to build two homes – one two bed and one three bed; demolishing a family home at No 6 Lovelace Gardens and building three homes on the plot; and doing alterations, extensions and demolishing a

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