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Take part in planting project to aid reintroduction of water voles

Take part in planting project to aid reintroduction of water voles

Help make the Hogsmill River water-vole friendly by sifting, sorting and planting marginal, aquatic and bankside plants tomorrow (Thursday). The event is part of Surbiton-based Citizen Zoo’s Water Vole Conservation Project. Meet outside Gate 1 of Thames Water’s Hogsmill Sewage Treatment Works in Lower Marsh Lane at 10am (parking up the road at the Hogsmill

Help make the Hogsmill River water-vole friendly by sifting, sorting and planting marginal, aquatic and bankside plants tomorrow (Thursday).

The event is part of Surbiton-based Citizen Zoo’s Water Vole Conservation Project.

Meet outside Gate 1 of Thames Water’s Hogsmill Sewage Treatment Works in Lower Marsh Lane at 10am (parking up the road at the Hogsmill STW Nature Reserve).

“The Thames Water site is an important location in our water vole reintroduction project,” said urban rewilding officer Ben Stockwell. “We need to ensure they have as diverse a range of plant species to feed on and potentially nest in as possible, which is why we are running this planting session. As many of the river plants are very small, we will need to prepare the ground before planting, clearing any vegetation that may outcompete them.”

Tools and instructions will be provided. Wear old clothes, a waterproof coat in case it rains, wellies, a mask and lunch if you are staying for a while.

Another session is planned on Tuesday next week (18th) at neighbouring Rose Walk Nature Reserve (parking in Elmbridge Avenue, Berrylands), although it may involve more preparation of the banks for planting as well as removing invasive Himalayan Balsam.

Email Ben for more details and to book for either session at [email protected] or phone him on 077530 850733.

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