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  • The writing’s on the wall

    The writing’s on the wall0

    The writing’s on the wall at Kingsmeadow, where one of the crunch matches in the Women’s Super League is being staged this Sunday. Poster girl Jonna Andersson, set against a Christmassy backdrop, is plugging the Chelsea Women v Man City game, which could have a big influence on the final placings in a closely fought

  • Cushions urgently needed

    Cushions urgently needed0

    John Terry, returning hero, signed and posed and chatted and bonded ahead of the Blues’ game against Villa, but he – and his old team-mate Frank Lampard – know that the points Chelsea won as the temperatures plunged could easily have been snatched away. Without the cushion of an extra goal, Chelsea will always look

  • What do you love about green space?

    What do you love about green space?0

    Residents have been having their say on how green spaces in Surbiton, Berrylands and Tolworth are looked after. Kingston Council is responsible for more than 500 hectares of open space, including 43 parks, 22 allotments and 30 playgrounds in the borough. There is an annual maintenance schedule, determining how often grass is cut, litter picked,

  • Wood you make a tree warden?

    Wood you make a tree warden?0

    Could you help look after the trees in your street?  Residents and community groups interested in getting more involved in the planting and/or maintenance of trees are being encouraged to join Kingston Council’s new tree warden programme. Those who sign up will play an active role in conserving and enhancing trees in their area, helping

  • Pocket Park takes shape

    Pocket Park takes shape0

    The Queen’s Prom Friends’ pocket park is taking shape, helped by volunteers at goodgym, Nandos and AstraZeneca. Since April, a site has been cleared with a raised bed and wheelchair-friendly path (pictured). Victorian heritage has been reinstated, plants deadheaded, weeds and litter picked. Next task: to find local firms to sponsor this thriving community project.

  • It’s good to get grubby!

    It’s good to get grubby!0

    Improve your local environment and help nurture wildlife at one of Berrylands Nature Reserve’s community volunteer days. Recent sessions uncovered a lost path, haloed a magnificent oak tree, improved drainage (efforts continuing), cleared brambles and historic litter, and thinned blackthorn, using it to create a shelter for birds and small mammals and a habitat for

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