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  • Beware Surbiton’s scary street!

    Beware Surbiton’s scary street!0

    • News
    • 1st November 2020

    Wonder how many haunted houses there are in Spooky Street? Perhaps the residents of Cotterill Road – now dubbed the spookiest street in Surbiton – could let us know? Were there any strange and eerie noises emitting from the mix of Victorian, Edwardian and 1930s houses last night for Halloween? And any child-sized apparitions of

  • Local creatives showcase their talent at Tolworth’s arts market

    Local creatives showcase their talent at Tolworth’s arts market0

    Tolworth’s arts, crafts and food market will be in full swing tomorrow (Sunday) from 11am to 3pm. “Tolworth and Kingston as a borough are lucky to have a huge number of brilliant local traders and creatives,” said Charlotte Levy, project co-ordinator for the community-led regeneration project SHEDx which has organised the event. “We’re looking forward

  • Halloween fun at The Circulatory

    Halloween fun at The Circulatory0

    • News
    • 30th October 2020

    Spooky goings on will be happening at The Circulatory near Berrylands railway station tomorrow (Saturday). The waste not, want not, recycling, upcycling and repurposing centre at Chiltern Works off Chiltern Drive, Berrylands, will be decorated in all things eerie for Halloween. Enter a dark corridor and make your way towards the Grotto of Doom encountering

  • Souper Soup opens to feed hungry children in half-term

    Souper Soup opens to feed hungry children in half-term0

    A soup kitchen has opened up in Surbiton to serve hungry children and their families during this half-term week. As well as two choices of soup, bread and a piece of cake to take away, there are also toiletries for those who need them. The Souper Soup is running at the Museum of Futures in

  • Community kitchen serves up soup and cake to hungry families

    Community kitchen serves up soup and cake to hungry families1

    A soup kitchen has opened up in Surbiton to serve hungry children and their families during this half-term week. As well as two choices of soup, bread and a piece of cake to take away, there are also toiletries for those who need them. The Souper Soup is running at the Museum of Futures in

  • Tolworth arts and crafts market shrugs off the rain with smiles

    Tolworth arts and crafts market shrugs off the rain with smiles0

    Talk about raining cats and dogs! Yesterday’s First in Tolworth arts, crafts and food market was a somewhat soggy affair but that didn’t dampen the spirits of the stallholders, writes Jane Grove. “To be honest I don’t mind,” said a beaming Melanie Wingfield of Guilford Avenue-based Gorgeous Painted Pebbles. “I’ve been quite busy really, in

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