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  • We’ll work to accommodate hall users, pledges council

    We’ll work to accommodate hall users, pledges council0

    An olive branch has been extended to the clubs and societies who lost their home following last month’s abrupt decision to end the hiring of Surbiton’s well-used library hall. In a message of conciliation and compromise, Kingston Council’s leader has apologised for the way the matter was handled, and has pledged to work to find

  • Societies at risk following eviction from meeting hall

    Societies at risk following eviction from meeting hall0

    The future of many of Surbiton’s best-loved and longest-running societies and groups is in jeopardy after they were evicted overnight from the council-owned hall where they have met for decades. With no notice, 30 clubs were emailed by Kingston Council contractor Engie to say that all hire of the Ewell Road library annexe had ceased

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