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  • A big night awaits

    A big night awaits0

    Chelsea Women flew to Sweden on Friday morning to start preparations for the biggest night in the football club’s 30-year history. With in-form Sam Kerr, pictured, up front and Fran Kirby playing on her shoulder as part of an arrow-shaped attack combination, manager Emma Hayes hopes the fleet-footed double act will unlock the miserly defence

  • Find out more about plan to turn verges into wildflower meadows

    Find out more about plan to turn verges into wildflower meadows0

    Have your say on a plan to turn verges into ‘meadows’ full of wildflowers at a virtual WildWays drop-in session. Kingston’s biodiversity officer Elliot Newton, pictured, will be talking about the trial to manage the borough’s verges in a different way to encourage wildflowers to grow and attract more pollinators like butterflies and bumblebees. He

  • Join livestreamed Glastonbury festival in heart of Surbiton

    Join livestreamed Glastonbury festival in heart of Surbiton0

    You may not be able to get your wellies muddy in front of the Pyramid Stage at Glastonbury this year thanks to the ban on crowds due to the pandemic, but you can still enjoy the festival with fellow music lovers in the heart of Surbiton instead. Ex Cellar, known for its live music events,

  • Take part in planting project to aid reintroduction of water voles

    Take part in planting project to aid reintroduction of water voles0

    Help make the Hogsmill River water-vole friendly by sifting, sorting and planting marginal, aquatic and bankside plants tomorrow (Thursday). The event is part of Surbiton-based Citizen Zoo’s Water Vole Conservation Project. Meet outside Gate 1 of Thames Water’s Hogsmill Sewage Treatment Works in Lower Marsh Lane at 10am (parking up the road at the Hogsmill

  • The Blues go Dutch

    The Blues go Dutch0

    Chelsea Women have signed a new defender to bolster their chances of completing a third straight league win on the spin next season. The new arrival is 22-year-old Dutch defender Aniek Nouwen, who has agreed a three-year deal which will keep her at the club until the summer of 2024. “I’m proud to be blue

  • Gucci adds style to the Queens Prom pocket park celebrations

    Gucci adds style to the Queens Prom pocket park celebrations0

    Gucci, the seventeen-and-a-half-year-old Pomeranian terrier, was enjoying a day out along the Queens Prom today (Tuesday). He was watching the mayor of Kingston Cllr Margaret Thompson, cut a ribbon to mark the third year of the Queens Promenade Friends’ group and their creation of the colourful pocket park around a formerly disused caretaker’s hut, and

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